The Chandigarh State Coop. Bank Ltd., Chandigarh was registered on 2.11.1966 under the Punjab Coop. Societies Act, 1961. The area of operation of the Bank with 18 branches in Union Territory of Chandigarh comprising of 371 Coop. Societies, and 3990 Individuals shareholders of the bank. The Chandigarh Administration is also a shareholder of the Bank. The total share capital of the Bank is Rs. 168.77Lakh out of which Government share capital is Rs. 145.69 Lakh as on 31.03.2019.
The main emphasis of the bank is to improve the living conditions of service providers functioning as individuals in the city by organizing them into urban cooperative groups. Their empowerment through these cooperative self-help groups will help them to achieve economic independence and self-respect.
Bank’s software is Finacle version 7.0.29 provided by M/s WIPRO Ltd. as ASP (Application Service Provider) under NABARD project. All the 18 Branches are fully functional under CBS (Core Banking Solution)
As per bye-laws of the Bank, the Management of the bank is vested in a Board of Directors consisting representations of 9 Directors from cooperative societies, 3 Directors from individual shareholder and 3 Govt. nominees. The Board of Directors of the Bank was constituted on 22.01.2025 and is running the affairs of the bank. The Board unanimously resolved to elect Shri Satinder Pal Singh Sidhu Chairman and Shri Sukhwinder Singh Vice-Chairman of the bank. Smt. Anuradha S. Chagti ,CSS ( Government Nominee) is the Managing Director of the bank.
At present the sanctioned staff strength is 120 employees. 69 employees are working on regular basis and 23 employees are on contractual basis.
© The Chandigarh State Cooperative Bank Limited Chandigarh,2014